Death-defying Stunt to Put Spotlight on Niagara Falls…Again

As the Grand Canyon National Park enjoys its turn in the spotlight with the upcoming death-defying stunt by Nik Wallenda, a growing group of Niagara Falls residents is asking, “What’s next for the Falls?”

You see, one year ago, Wallenda, a legendary tightrope walker, made the tightrope walk across the Niagara Falls a reality. The gripping footage glued millions of viewers to their television sets while putting Niagara Falls in the spotlight. As a result, Niagara Falls tours and attractions saw a growth in visitors.

On June 23, 2013, Nik Wallenda’s Grand Canyon tightrope special will air on the Discovery Channel. The event is hailed as one of the most daring live events in history when Wallenda attempts to tightrope walk 1,500 feet above the Little Colorado River in the Grand Canyon National Park. However, the first 20 minutes or so will be all about his walk over Niagara Falls. The extensive footage it’s like a second huge, free promotion of the Falls. Although the live show will be about his Grand Canyon crossing, the bench-mark to compare it to will be his famed crossing of Niagara Falls on June 15, 2012.

People around the world were mesmerized when Wallenda performed his death-defying Niagara Falls stunt. Now, as he is getting ready for his biggest stunt yet, his first book ‘Balance: A Story of Faith, Family and Life on the Line’ is hitting store shelves.

According to Wallenda, the book tells the story of his life as a two- year- old when he took that first step on the wire, to the crossing of Niagara Falls.  Wallenda also adds that he hopes to inspire readers with his book when he tells of all the challenges he faces as a father, husband, and daredevil.

While the daring Grand Canyon stunt is a much anticipated event, not everyone is as excited since the stunt is suppose to take place in the remote section of Navajo tribal land, which houses a protected and deeply sacred site by the Hopi and other tribes. The site represents the spiritual life of their ancestral people and emphasizes life, not taking lives, which could happen since Wallenda won’t wear a safety harness. The Grand Canyon National Park is one of the most visited U.S. attractions. The Grand Canyon South Rim as well as Grand Canyon tours are highly popular with families and park lovers.

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