Introducing the Niagara Adventure Theatre Tourism Industry Appreciation Program. After 35 years of presenting Niagara Falls in IMAX for tourists, we have made a move and now are presenting Niagara: Legends of Adventure in stunning 4K digital video with surround sound between 10:30am and 4:00pm at the Greg Frewin Theatre. We have an opportunity to play other movies on select nights throughout the year and have decided to present some Hollywood favourites to the hard working folks in the Niagara tourism industry! We are looking to book 6-8 movies a year and present them ABSOLUTELY FREE to tourism workers. By joining the program, we will alert you to the event dates and provide an RSVP form so you can reserve your seat.
What is the catch, you ask? Well, we need your help getting the word out about our new home and movie presentation style. We feel confident that once you check us out and see the theatre, you’ll confidently recommend to tourists you come into contact with in your day to day work. FREE MOVIE NIGHT for you and a guest numerous times a year. We’ll also be in touch with programming requests.
We will require you to sign up for the program as we will be communicating future events primarily through email. We will also require proof of tourism industry employment.